Advice for Councillors
These advice articles explain the role of a councillor and how you can be both efficient and effective in the role. Growing your profile, continuing to communicate with your residents, winning victories on their behalf and representing them on the council are important aspects and are all covered.

Advice for Campaigners
Whether you’re campaigning as a candidate, for another person or about a particular issue, getting our message out to a wide audience is central to our success. These advice articles look at the techniques that we can use, the way we construct our messaging, getting the most impact for our efforts, plus the tips and tricks that we’ve picked up over our combined years of active campaigning.

Advice for Candidates
Being a candidate is a unique position. Whatever your ward or constituency, there are a particular set of stresses and emotions that come with it being your name on the ballot paper. It’s also a role that can differ a lot in different areas. These advice articles look at the role of a candidate and what you can do to make sure that you are doing exactly what is needed and giving your team the best chance of helping you to win. We offer an increased range of advice and resources during election periods.

Advice for Agents
The agent is the person legally responsible for a campaign. This includes the material produced (digital and non-digital), spending limits and adherence to all other aspects of electoral law. Undertaking the role of election agent is a challenging and complex task, carrying significant legal responsibility. The rules governing elections have significant variations depending on the type of election and the part of the UK you are in. These advice articles will help you stay on the right side of the law.