Leaflet of the Week – Lambeth – 10/2/22

Here at ALDC, we wanted to highlight some of our Party’s fantastic local literature, and here is this week’s winner!

Congratulations to Streatham Hill ward in Lambeth who are this week’s winners! You can see their fantastic leaflet in here.

This leaflet makes excellent use of campaigns to double tree cover, improve insulation of local homes and increase electric vehicle charging points.

You can find some ALDC Campaign Packs full of information and templates on these issues and more here.

It’s great to see different leaflets from across the country, and yet again this week we had some really brilliant entries – thank you so much!

To see all of the previous winners of Leaflet of the Week, click here.

Send entries for next week to Frankie Singleton frankie.singleton@aldc.org!

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