
We have no current job vacancies. But please keep checking back.

Work experience

We have regular volunteer work experience opportunities in our Salford Quays office throughout the year (close to the Exchange Quay tram stop).

These are usually for a week or two full-time, or they could take place as a specified day/s for a number of weeks working on a specific project.

The positions are unpaid but we cover expenses.

If you’re looking to learn then all we ask is that you share our values of an open, tolerant and united Britain (active Liberal Democrat members will be given priority for placement).

We want more great new Lib Dems through our doors so if you want to find out more just email with your questions and a copy of your CV, or call 0161 302 7532.

Internship opportunities

ALDC has a proud record of hosting some of the brightest and best as interns.

Our paid internship positions last for one year and are based at ALDC HQ (in Salford).

Interns learn about campaigning and planning; and work on office tasks at ALDC.