ALDC are running a series of Welsh Webinars over the next month covering the topics of data, holding your opposition to account, and hearing from campaigners across the country about how we can improve our FOCUS newsletters. Do get registered below.
FOCUS Leaflets: Learning from Best Practice – 18 February 2025 – 6pm
Come and discuss best practice when it comes to our regular FOCUS leaflets. Can we make them more effective? What do we know works well? How do we get the balance right between hyper-local and putting out national campaign messages? All this and more! Register below:
Holding Your Opposition to Account – 4 March 2025 – 6pm
In this session we’ll explore why holding your opposition to account is important, what messages might work, and how to make it count. This session will help sharpen your messaging skills heading into the 2026 Senedd elections. All this and more! Register below:
Using Data to Win – 11 March 2025 – 6pm
This session will cover why data is important, what data we need to win elections, and how to make best use of that data in order to better target our campaigning. All these skills will be integral heading into the Senedd elections in 2026 and the local elections in 2027. Come and discuss all these important points. Register below:
If you have any other training requirements in Wales, then please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Glyn Preston, Wales – Development Officer for ALDC at: 07398951409 / glyn.preston@aldc.org