We provide webinar training throughout the year – supporting both Lib Dem councillors and campaigners.
Our webinar programme is broken up into seasons. Including the excellent New Councillor Programme in May and June.
Our full programme for next year is now available to view and book onto. All our webinars are completely free. You just need to book your place in advance. Each session is repeated at 12:30 and 17:00.
A run down of all our sessions and seasons is below:
Election Webinar Programme
These webinars will help you win local election campaigns. Essential for those with elections in 2025 and those preparing for the future.

New Councillors Programme
A must for all newly elected councillors – and really useful to existing councillors wishing to refresh and sharpen your skills.

Summer Webinar Programme
Included in this season are sessions on Beating Labour and technical courses on Affinity Publisher and Digital Campaigning.

Autumn Webinar Programme
Build up to 2026 with training sessions on campaigning and a four-part course on Connect.