Summer of Campaigning Templates

Summer is the key time to be out campaigning in our wards.

Not only can you make the most of the dry, warm and long days to get more campaigning done – residents are really happy to see us out and about so far away from a local election.

ALDC has released our full set of templates for you to enjoy a Summer of Campaigning!

We have organised a Bulk Buy deal for your next A4 / A3 / Thank You leaflet. You can find everything you need for that here. The first deadline is coming up on Saturday 26 May with a second deadline on Saturday 8 June.

Our full set of templates for the Summer of Campaigning can be found on the link below. These include brand new Summer Survey templates as well as Canvass Cards and good items of Direct Mail to do at this time of year (such as Postal Voter Recruitment and Volunteer Recruitment mailings).

Find our Summer of Campaigning page here.

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