Model Group Standing Orders

All Liberal Democrat council groups need a an adopted set of standing orders which set the rules of the group.

Standing orders set out how the group is run, how group elections work and how problems – including disciplinary issues – should be dealt with.

ALDC provides a set of model standing orders that contain best practice on how to run a Liberal Democrat council group.  We recommended that what you adopt is as close to this model as possible because they are written to be consistent with the party constitution and current legislation.

You can download the model standing orders here:

You can find many other resources to support you council group in our Council Group Toolkit.

Remember than your adopted group standing orders must be signed off by your Regional Party. Therefore if you adopt a new set of standing orders, or make local changes to your standing orders, please send a copy to your region too.

Dickie DENTON says

It is a requirement for all members of the council group to sign the standing orders ?

Can a councillor not sign them and still retain the LD whip

I assume they apply regardless

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