A significant set of English local elections will take place on 2 May 2024.
If you are fighting elections in your area, or supporting with elections in a nearby council, ALDC has gathered together all the resources you need in one place.
Our Everything You Need for May 2024 webpage will be your go-to place for local election advice and resources.
You can already find a local election timetable, templates for all your leaflets from now until your last knock up on polling day, links to toolkits that will take you through important steps such as completing nomination forms and election expense forms, and a wealth of advice articles helping you to campaign and win.
We will be adding new resources to this page as we get closer to May so keep checking back and don’t hesitate to contact the ALDC’s members advice service if you need any further advice on 0161 302 7532 and advice@aldc.org