This September is the next of our 150 Rising Action Days in our ambition to get over 150 councillors elected in Scotland in 2027.
On the weekend of 2 September, teams across the country are running events and we are encouraging all ASLDC members to come and help.
Whether it is deliveries, doorknocking or membership recruitment, the more work we do now, the more likely we are to get over 150 Scottish Liberal Democrat councillors elected in 2027.
You can either sign up to one of the events already organised here, or alternatively, let our Scottish Development Officer James Calder know by emailing him at james.calder@aldc.org. He will then make sure your event is on the website.
James can also help you on your way with materials to use for the event including providing free survey leaflets and membership recruitment postcards.
Alternatively you can make use of some of our great templates here to create your own literature on ALDC Artworker here.