Welsh Conference this Weekend!

Welsh Conference is taking place this Saturday and Sunday in Swansea! ALDC are looking forward to our activities over the weekend. We have a stall so you can pop by and say hello at any time.

On Sunday at 12:00, during the lunchtime fringe slot, Cllr. Glyn Preston and Michael O’Carroll will be running a training session – ‘Introduction to Focus and Campaign Literature’. Whether you’re a novice campaigner, or you’ve fought quite a few elections, this is a good session to get you up to speed with why we write FOCUS and different sorts of campaign literature.

There will also be ample opportunity at Conference to meet, and socialise, with our ALDC Cymru Committee. If you’re ever at a loose end, do pop over to the ALDC stall to say hello.

All information regarding this year’s Welsh Spring Conference is available here, including tickets, the agenda, and a directory.

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