Council Motion: Empty Homes (England Only)

The latest figures published by Action on Empty Homes show that the number of empty homes rose in most local authorities in 2022.

They estimate over 1 million homes in England currently do not have residents.

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill is set to introduce further powers for local councils to tackle empty homes and second homes through Council Tax premiums. The Lib Dems are also calling for changes to planning law to give planning authorities the power to determine whether a family home can be converted into a holiday home.

ALDC has produced a Campaign Pack to help you fight to reduce the number of empty homes in your area. You can find it here.

We have also put together a template Council Motion for you to move on your council. It needs to be localised for your local authority using the 2022 data compiled by Action on Second Homes.

You can find the data for your local council here.

The template council motion is below:

Council notes the rising number of empty homes in AREA NAME.

Recent figures from Action On Empty Homes show that XX% of all homes in AREA NAME (a total of XXXX) are either second homes or long term empty homes – up from XX% last year.

This means that 1 in XX homes in our area are not available to local people as places to live.

The accelerating number of family homes being lost in our area is a matter of great concern for local residents who may be struggling to get their foot on the property ladder or find a secure home in the rented sector.

Council notes the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill is on its passage through Parliament. This bill will grant councils in England new powers to incentivise bringing empty homes and second homes back into use as family homes.

These powers will include the option to add a 100% Long Term Empty Premium onto Council Tax for homes that have been empty for over a year. In addition Councils will be able to charge a higher rate of Council Tax for empty furnished properties – such as second homes.

The power to issue these extra charges is set to come into force from 1 April 2024.

Council believes we should do everything we can to encourage empty homes and second homes being brought back into residential use for local people. Council also believes the Government must provide local authorities with more powers to manage the issue of empty homes, second homes and holiday homes in their area.

This includes changing planning law to require a change of use permission to convert a family home into a holiday let, and for increased powers to issue Empty Dwelling Management Orders that are currently heavily restricted.  

Council therefore resolves to;

  • Commit to use new powers when they are introduced next year to charge a 100% Council Tax premium on Long Term Empty Properties and Second Homes.

  • Instruct the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to call for changes to national planning law to give local councils the power to determine whether family homes can be changed into holiday homes.

  • Instruct the Chief Executive to write to Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to call for expanded powers for Council’s to issue Empty Dwelling Management Orders on long term empty homes for properties vacant for 6 months, regardless of their condition.
  • Bring a report to INSERT MOST RELEVANT SCRUTINY COMMITTEE to explore how new powers will be implemented and further ways in COUNCIL NAME can bring empty homes back into use.

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