Council Motion: Electric Vehicle Charging Points (England and Wales only)

Recently Hull City Council passed a Lib Dem Council Motion calling for an acceleration in the provision of public Electric Vehicle Charging Points.

You can find the full Hull motion here. ALDC has adapted it into a template motion that you can copy below and adapt to your local area.

To help you localise your motion you can find local statistics for your local area on the number of public charging points your Council has – compared to the recommended it number it needs – on this link from Friends of the Earth.

Further resources from the Energy Savings Trust on EV charging and local authorities can be found here.

Prior to moving the motion you should establish what strategy your Council currently has for the rollout of EV charging points and amend the template motion to reflect that.

Template Motion;

Council notes that [AREA NAME] has a lack of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging points. This means that there are further barriers imposed on those wishing to make the move to electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles.

The Electric Vehicle Home Charge Scheme (EVHS) for homeowners was amended on 31 March 2022 to just cover flat- owner-occupiers and people in rented properties and residential car parks. The previous scheme offered government funded grants of up to £350 to each home to install a charging point in their property for their own use.

The Government amended Building Regulations in June 2022 so all new build residential and non-residential property and those undergoing major renovation must provide an electric vehicle charge point.

The most recent figures from Friends of the Earth show that [AREA NAME] currently has only XX publicly accessible Electric Vehicle Charging Points – against a target of XXX,

Council believes that [AREA NAME] should be setting a target of XXX public access points by 2030, not including private provision, to support our efforts in tackling the climate emergency.

Council notes the funding received by other authorities to develop their EV infrastructure. For instance in March 2020 Nottingham City with Nottinghamshire and Derby City Councils were granted over £16m funding by the Department for Transport, for further development of their EV charger network to further facilitate EV taxis and an EV Council fleet.

Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and other relevant Ministers, to seek further funding for an ambitious EV charging point roll-out across our area.

Council instructs that a cross-departmental working group is established to identify potential locations, funding streams and supply chains of public EV charging points with a focus on areas of high-density housing where private provision would be excessively difficult. This group should also engage with major landowners to develop their provisions (for instance supermarkets, large private car parks, retail centres).

This group should have a focus on delivery in accordance with the Energy Savings Trust’s principles, and should consider possible locations for a pilot roll-out project subject to available funding.

Council requests that the Planning Committee address the need for EV charging points through policy adjustments including the formation of a Supplementary Planning Document and in any forthcoming Local Plan and Development Plan reviews.

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