Patsy Calton Award

As many of you know, Patsy Calton was a councillor, had a full time job and then had to fight cancer while she was an MP and while she stood for Parliament. She won her seat again in May 2005, when women comprised just 10 of the 62 elected Liberal Democrat MPs. Over a decade later women still only make up about 1/3rd of our elected representatives.

Sadly on 29th May 2005 Patsy died just a short while after re-election. Patsy’s record of achievement is an inspiration to us all and we hope these annual awards for a female local activist, Councillor or MP/AM/MSP/MEP, will not only celebrate achievements by women but also encourage more women to participate in political processes at all levels.

Each year at autumn Federal Conference Liberal Democrat Women award the Patsy Calton award to a woman in the party who has been nominated by her peers for the outstanding contribution they have made.  The award is meant to showcase the obstacles that women have overcome, and their journey to get them to where they are now.

If you know of a woman either in your local party, regionally or nationally that you feel is deserving of such an award please nominate them using the downloadable form below, please ensure that all nominations are received before August 27th.

Open nomination form

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