Visit My Mosque is an annual initiative lead by the Muslim Council of Britain all over the UK and will take place this year on Sunday 7th February. It provides an opportunity for members of the community to explore their local places of worship and engage with the staff and congregation.
This event is worth publicising and promoting to local residents where applicable.
From the MCB website:
The Muslim Council of Britain organised a national #VisitMyMosque day, where British mosques opened their doors to the general public.
Mosques shared tea and cakes alongside an insight into the day-to-day goings on of a busy Muslim centre of worship.
Members of the community were there to get to know one another better and be on hand to answer questions about Muslims and Islam. Local mosques also invited inter-faith leaders as well.
#VisitMyMosque day is part of a national initiative by Muslims to reach out to fellow Britons following tensions around terrorism. Many mosques have open door policies, and many have special set days to invite the local community around them. We celebrate these existing schemes as well.
For more information and the list of participating mosques please visit the MCB website: http://www.mcb.org.uk/visitmymosque/