Are you making use of the LGA’s LG Inform service? It is an online application that draws together performance and financial information into one place about your council and the people and places you serve for easy analysis and comparison. You can discover more about this initiative at

A partner data service is LG Inform Plus, which drills down into a more detailed level of scrutiny to examine and unearth the composition and challenges which face us at ward level or even lower geographies where data is available. The service is able to generate unique, tailored reports for all 7,500 wards in England. To give you an idea of what is available, a set of basic facts from one member authority is attached.

You can discover more about this service, along with access to a number of other public reports about your area and updates for the enclosed report as data becomes available, by visiting here: (please select your authority and ward at the top of the page).

LG Inform is free for public use and LG Inform Plus is an additional subscription service for council members and officers offered by the LGA, where the funds generated from the small additional subscription provides a modest income for the upkeep and further enhancement of the service. Registering will enable you to see whether your authority is already subscribed by giving you access to all the tools.

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