ALDC’s Annual General Meeting takes place on during Federal Party Conference on

Saturday 22 September 2012

20.15 – 21.30 Grand Hotel (Brighton), Alexandra Suite.

Drinks will be available, and at the end of the formal business the ALDC Campaigner Awards 2012 will be presented by the Chair of the 2013 Local Elections Committee, Martin Horwood MP. 


The agenda will be as follows. Paper copies of all of this will be available at the meeting. 

1 Apologies (should be sent to  

Minutes of the AGM 17 Sept  2011 (see below)

3 Report 2011-2012 (a presentation will be given at the meeting)

4 Audited Accounts 2011 (members can access the accounts here)

5 Appointment of Auditors 2012

Proposed: Management Committee. 

That Ian Pickup and Co be appointed as auditors for 2012. 

6 Constitutional Amendment

Proposed: Management Committee:

In para (15) delete ‘postal’. In para (16) delete ‘annually’.

(15) Except as provided in 11 (iii) and 11 (iv) the Officers and Management Committee shall be elected in a postal ballot of all members conducted by the Single Transferable Vote. All elections shall be held as soon as practicable after the Annual General Meeting in each even numbered year and concluded not more than 8 weeks after the conclusion of that meeting. 2)

(16) The Management Committee shall appoint annually a Returning Officer who shall be responsible for the conduct of elections subject to approval of the election regulations by the Management Committee and to the ruling of the President on interpretation of the regulations during the period of the election. The regulations shall include a provision that nominations shall be made by at least two members of the Association other than the nominee.

It is proposed to engage with ERS Ballot Services to run a secure online ballot. Every member for whom we have a valid email address would be sent a two part vertification code to take part in an online ballot. Postal ballot papers would be sent to the very small number of members who we do not have valid email addresses for. 
7 Motions

A Membership Fees 2013

Proposed Management Committee: 

That the membership fees for 2013 be: £82 (2012 £82). Joint members an extra £10 (2012 £10). 

8.  Urgent Business

Please notify the Chair before the start of the meeting. 



AGM 17 September 2011 – Minutes


Present: 110 members of ALDC and 32 apologies.

Minutes of Annual Meeting 18th September 2010 – agreed


Report of Management Cttee – Tim Pickstone, Chief Executive, introduced the report. He highlighted the election results, the new artwork templates, improvements in the mailing to members, membership numbers – the highest ever, and the 78th group member. Questions from members included: police commissioners elections; the geographic spread of members – Tim said that the highest number of members were in London, followed by the Mets, Scotland had the lowest number. .


Audited Accounts 2010 – Mike Ward reported a small loss for the year due to a mistake re irrecoverable VAT which was missed by the auditors, He commented that a very close eye was being kept on 2012 and future years  due to a possible drop in membership. The Party had been asked not to reduce the grant next year as planned. Questions from members included: lower membership fees for those members on low incomes with no cllr allowance; discount levels for group membership; G8 grants accountability. The accounts were agreed.


Appointment of Auditors for 2011 – it was noted that a tender process will be carried out for 2012 (the mistakes in the accounts were discovered too late to retender for this year). It was agreed to appoint Riley and Co as auditors for this year.


Membership Fees 2012 – Steve Hitchins moved the increase as follows:  Individual £82 (from £80) Joint extra £10 (310). Bob Barton moved an amendment as follows: that Management Cttee be empowered to look at introducing reduced membership rates for those on benefits and students. These rates could be introduced without the need for approval at the next AGM. The motion as amended was passed.


Kath Pinnock thanked the staff team for all their hard work and the meeting continued  with the campaigner awards, 2011.


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