From the LGA Liberal Democrat Group:

Love telling people about your good work and making your troops feel just great but hate ticking boxes and filling out forms? If so, you’ll really like this year’s Council Group of the Year awards. We got lots of appreciative letters last year telling us how you welcomed the fact there were no forms to fill in, no word limits and no Stalinist formatting to be done. (Ok, there weren’t letters as such but we sensed your appreciation 🙂 .

So it’s the same this year – tell us what you’ve done that makes you think you deserve an award this year by the closing date Friday 2 March and we’ll enter you into this year’s awards. It can be for something you did in your ward, an achievement in a service area, or an overall strong performance by your group that might earn you the overall award of Council Group of the Year. As true localists, we’re not producing guidance all you need to do is send us a compelling case by the deadline.

Why should I enter? Because:

  • we could all do with some good news – including your own group (and council staff)
  • you have earned a pat on the back after all your hard work
  • other Lib Dem councils are crying out for more effective ways of spending what money they have and want to learn from you
  • it’s nice to get a bit of recognition
  • the LGA Lib Dem Office will pass on your achievements so they can be picked up and shared more widely
  • you get to have your picture taken at Spring Conference with one of our judging panel, which can use it in your Focuses and website even if the nationals don’t pick it up!

As keen recyclers and fans of efficiency, as submissions, we’re happy to take award entries from LGC, MJ or other awards, committee reports, even press releases with weblinks. Whatever is easiest for you. We require only a convincing submission before the deadline.

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